Do It Yourself! التطبيقات

DIY Baby Shower Party Decor 1.1
Do It Yourself!
A baby shower consists of much more than agroup of ladies getting together to talk. A baby shower needs tohave appetizers, games, drinks, decorations, and gifts. On top ofeverything else the shower needs to happen on a budget.In order to pull off this amazing feat you will need to brush upon your DIY skills. Luckily for you don't have to be little misscrafty in order to create some very cute decorations.Here are 4 cute decoration ideas that anyone can do.Bunting Banners/ Pennant Banner - A bunting banner is very easyand cute way to add color to your party. A quick search on the webfor free printable baby shower banners will give you a dozendifferent banners to choose from. Once you find the banner youwould like to use you will print it off on your home printer. Onceyou have the banners printed and cut out you can attach the bannersto the string of your choice in 2 different ways. First, you willpunch a hole on each side of the banner and push the string throughthe holes so that you can see the string in front of each banner.Secondly, you can fold the top of the banner over the string andglue or tape it down.Water Bottle Wraps - Water bottle wraps take ordinary waterbottles and make them fun. Once again a quick search for free waterbottle wraps will yield a host of printable designs you can printright at home. Once you have the design you like best you print itout and attach it to your water bottles. It is recommended toremove the old label before attaching the new one. The best way toattach the new label will be by using glue dots or double-sidedtape.Appetizer and Treat Signs - I know I keep saying to do a searchon the internet but... do a search on the internet and find thecute signs you would like to use. Then you can go to a second handstore and find as many picture frames as you would need for yourtable signs.Note: Don't worry about the color of the picture frames becausea $3 can of spray paint will fix that without a problem.Favors - It is always nice to have a small party favor for thosethat attended the baby shower. At your local party store you shouldbe able to find cute little candy boxes or small cellophane bagsthat with a little ribbon and a cute tag can make a great partyfavor.So with a little help from the internet as well as your localparty store you should be able to make some beautiful baby showerdecorations. The greatest part about it is that you can do all ofit without having to be crafty or breaking the bank.Even though it is not mandatory to give something to the guestsbefore they leave the baby shower, it is always a nice gesture togive party favors that are really for them. If you are theorganizer of such event, probably you may find it a little trickyto decide which favor you should pick. Baby shower favors can bepurchased from a party store or made at home. Regardless of whatyour decision - to buy or to make - your goal is to provide theguests a memorabilia of the event that they will never forgetthroughout the years.If you are a DIY-lover, you might think of making self-made babyshower favors. It is creative and crafty, and the best way to showoff a personality. Creating homemade baby shower favors are notthat difficult, but you need to start making way ahead of timeconsidering that you will need to make plenty for the peopleinvited to the party. Also, you want to keep mind the theme of theshower, and of course your budget. There are lots of fun DIY babyshower favor ideas to choose from, here are some that you may liketo consider.
DIY Bird Feeder Design Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
Bird feeders are a great way to bring life toyour garden. During the cold winter months where food is scarce,birds quickly find out where the good local resources for survivalis. And even during summer, it can be a great attraction for thelocal wildlife. Having birds from the entire neighborhood landright outside your window is an easy and fun way to be in touchwith nature, and the kids might even start talking about that rarebird they spotted in their very backyard.Bird feeders comes in all shapes and sizes, and while the markethas plenty of opportunities, building one yourself is a great wayto match your needs and impress your neighbors. Whether you justwant a board on a stick, a wooden chewed apple or a mini-barn withfences and a weathercock, only your imagination holds thelimit.Only a few considerations should be taken before choosing yourdesign. First of all, make sure your bird feeder is either placedon a tall stick or hung from a rope or similar, to avoid predatorsto gain access. Remember, you want a bird feeder, not a cat feeder.Also, consider where you want it placed, if it's hanging under aroof or you want to add a cover to it, both to shelter the birdsand to keep the food dry. Is it in a windy place you might considerhow the food is placed, if it's loose like on an open board, or ina canister slowly releasing a small amount at a time. Also, do youwant to allow all birds access or only smaller birds, this can beimplemented in the design.Deciding on your needs, it's time to find a good design for yourbird feeder. You can draw it yourself from scratch or find pre madebird feeder plans to work from, step-by-step. As I'm no greatartist, I prefer the last option, and there's plenty of resourcesout there to fit my needs. Choosing the right one is only a matterof deciding on my needs and knowing where to look. Then the funpart can begin, the process of actually building the bird feeder,and even better, watch the neighbors envy the end result.Do-it-yourself: Many of the commercial feeders are quitestraightforward to replicate by the homeowner with basic skills inDIY. Whether you are looking to create a wooden house feeder or abased plastic platform feeder using a gallon-sized milk jug, youwill find many opportunities for self creating a feeder forattracting and nourishing the local bird species.Attracting birds to the backyard with a feeder gives the perfectopportunity to observe the local species up close. A bird feedercomes in different sizes and styles to help attract the varioustypes of bird species. Feeders are especially helpful in the winterperiod when snow or other poor conditions can make it difficult forbirds to feed. Bird feeders need to be solidly constructed toensure they are able to withstand intrusion from pests like thesquirrels; able to keep the seeds dry, and stand-up to difficultweather conditions.Here are some of the main types of feeders to include in thebackyard:Platform: A platform bird feeder is ideal if you are looking toattract a variety of bird species to the backyard. Basically, aplatform feeder is a sizable tray for accepting the feed with asuitably portioned roof fixed over the tray to give the desiredlevel of protection from the weather. A versatile option, thesefeeding trays can either attach to a stake for placement on thelawn (at least twelve inches from the ground) or hung from asuitable tree branch. Cardinals, jays, doves, sparrows, and similarground feeding bird species are likely to be attracted to thesefeeders.Tube: A tube feeder is square or cylindrical in shape andfeatures several perches on each side and perfect for the smallbirds that prefer to avoid the more open feeders that are used bythe larger species. They are often filled with sunflower seedswhich can easily be collected via the many holes up and down eachside.
DIY Bird House Design Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
Building a bird house is a fun and easyproject, something you can do by yourself or with your kids. And abird house that is well-designed and well-placed can bring manyyears of enjoyment, for you and the birds!Before going through the effort of building a bird house, youshould consider a few things. What type of bird are you going toattract? Each species has its own needs for the size of the house,and the location where it is placed. You also need to make sureyou're building for the types of birds that are in your area. Also,do you have a place on your property to place a bird house thatwill be enticing to birds? If its not located correctly, you won'tget any tenants. Also, as a landlord, can you maintain the house?While not difficult, it is important if you want feathered tenantseach year. Lastly, do you have the tools and skills to build one?Instead of building from scratch, you might decide to build from akit, which will save you a lot of cutting and drilling.Once you decide you want to build a bird house, you'll need toget a set of bird house plans. A general set of plans will beuseful if you want to the same style house for different types ofbirds, as each species has its own unique requirements for the birdhouse size. You can find several websites that have these types ofplans, along with detailed building instructions. The plans willshow you what pieces you will need to cut and the dimensions ofthose pieces for the particular type of bird you are buildingfor.Next, you'll need to select your building materials. There aredifferent material options for building a bird house, but for ado-it-yourself (DIY) option, wood is typically the way to go.You'll want wood that is decay resistant, like cedar or exteriorplywood. You'll also need to assemble the parts using a goodquality exterior wood glue, nails or screws, and possibly caulking.Keep in mind, too, that if you are building from scratch you willneed a saw, drill, and a Forstner drill bit that will create thecorrect hole size for the particular bird house you are building.And no, you won't need a dowel for the perch. Predators will find aperch more useful than the birds will!If you do decide to finish your bird house with paint or stain,be sure to only finish the outside, never the inside, of the house.The chemicals in finishing products can be harmful to babybirds.Finally, you will need to decide how to mount and where to placeyour bird house. Depending on the species of bird, there aredifferent mounting options. Some can be hung from a wire, someshould be attached to a tree, and others should be placed on top ofa pole. Where you locate the house is important, too. Birds havecertain criteria, such as being near water, or in a shaded area oropen field, and they won't inhabit a house that does not meet theircriteria. A little research will pay off in this area.The first rule is to know the bird you are building the housefor. No bird house is guaranteed to attract feathered tenants, buta well-designed and well-placed house will certainly increase thelikelihood of success.As you go about searching for a DIY chicken house building planthere are some vital elements you need to keep in mind to help makesure the plan you choose actually works and you get a batch offresh eggs every single morning. This plan needs to take intoaccount the following factors if you are to get from point A topoint B while spending the least amount of money as possible.It is perfectly doable to build a cheap DIY chicken house butyou need to know a few key points that most people make mistakeson. Usually cutting corners will mean you will have to spend agreat deal of money later on fixing up issues that arise, but ifyou're smart and have a good plan to guide you through the process,you can be sure you're not cutting any corners that are going toleave you wondering where you went wrong.
DIY Mason Jar Design Ideas 1.0
Do It Yourself!
Mason jars are sometimes seen as a simplebitof Americana since they were once used mainly to preserve food.Butthey're actually unique, multifunctional glassware that haveavariety of uses, ranging from beverage holders, like redneckwineglasses, to interior design and even mason jar favors forweddingsor any other party or event.5 Creative Ideas for Mason Jar FavorsHere are some fun ways to use these versatile jars forfavors,whether you decide to personalize the outside of the jar orsimplyleave them plain and let what you put inside of them bethedecoration.1. Mason Jar Wine GlassesIf you are using these jars for wine glasses, theyautomaticallyserve the function of durable and secure beverageholders, withthick glass to keep a drink insulated while addingthat stylishsouthern throwback design that is becoming very trendyfor countrywedding themes.2. Wedding Centerpieces and Table AccentsAnother use for mason jars is as a decorative accent to liven upatable setting or bring some creativity to your event and giveyourguests something they can take home and remember.One idea is to fill them with an arrangement of plantsandflowers, with or without a layer of beads, sand, stonesandwater.If you're using fresh flowers, add some plant nutrient tothewater to keep the flowers alive longer. Or use silk flowers andyouwon't have to worry about any water spilling onto the table,justin case the jar gets tipped over during the festivities.3. Wedding FavorsIf you're planning a country style, rustic or vintage themewedding,mason jars are a hot new trend that are being seen at alot ofweddings.Perfect for using as wedding favors, wedding décororcenterpieces, the jars are a lovely accent to your themethateveryone will appreciate.One idea for creating unique favors is with candles. Usethesmaller jars and place votive, tealight or even floatingcandlesinside for a soft glow at the tables.If you have printing etched or engraved on the jar, it willbebacklit by the flickering candle inside the center.4. Fill the Jar with a Quick and Easy RecipeAnother idea for wedding favors is to put all of the ingredientsforwedding cookies into the jar and attach a tag with thebakinginstructions.For other party favors, you can add a 'Just Add Water' soupordrink recipe like hot chocolate or a flavored coffee.5. Mason Jar Favors for KidsEven though these jars are made of pretty heavy and durableglass,they can still be breakable, so you might to consider theseideasfor older kids.1. Fill the jar with kid-fun stuff like crayons and a fewrolledup coloring pages2. Convert mason jars into "sippy cups" and decorate the outsideofthe jars3. Fill the jar with favorite snacks and goodies for kidsMason Jar Koozie Pattern IdeasYou can make a koozie out of just about anything - old sweaters,oldtowels, denim. Or you can knit or crochet your own.Some pattern ideas are really pretty simple. Measure aroundthejar and measure the height of the jar, and then add a coupleofinches to allow for folding and stitching the ends together.If you make a koozie that has a bottom to it, you've justcreateda combo koozie/coaster too!Ideas for WeddingsWedding koozies are pretty popular today too. And ifyou'recreative, you can make your own mason jar koozies forweddingfavors.Your guests will love these because after the wedding,they'llhave a jar with a custom koozie on it that they can use forjustabout anything at all!Food IdeasIf you're giving little treats for wedding favors, why not puttheminto jars and wrap a decorative koozie around it?Since just about anything can be put into these fun jars, youcanuse your imagination. Cookies, candy, cookie mix, drinkmix,anything you're already planning on giving for favors can beputinto these jars. Add a decorative koozie and you have theperfectfavors!
DIY Craft Plastic Bottle 1.1
Do It Yourself!
DIY recycling projects are always cool,especially when you can turn your trash into something new anduseful. We’ve written posts about ways to recycle before, but itturns out there’s so much that you can do with recycle plasticbottles that they deserved their own post.The PET plastic that most plastic beverage bottles are made of is afairly useful material – it’s resilient, flexible, transparent andfood safe. As such, there are probably countless applications forthese bottles that will give them second lives. These 23 are agreat place to start, but can you think of your own as well?Vertical GardenChandelierBroomBeautiful Mosaic From Caps Left By Hurricane SandySpoon LampJewelry StandSource: EBLOTParking CanopyBouquet LampChristmas TreeCute PlantersIntricate Bottle VaseDurable PurseSci-Fi Rocket Jet PackHanging ChandelierLake BoatPencil/Marker OrganizersSolar Light BulbOttoman SeatCurtainBottle Cap DecorationBird FeederNapkin RingAre you a fan of sustainable design? Then, you’ve come to theright place! We present you today 45 ideas of how to obtaindecorative objects from recycled bottles. The fabric is composed ofplastic drinks bottle bases, which have been cut, sanded and thentagged together. When asked what kind of special material and craftshe applied in her designs, she answered: “I use plastic drinksbottles in my designs. It is so much more challenging to use anexisting shape and material. My inspiration came from my method ofenquiry about plastic as a material. I deconstructed the material,rather than asked, “what can I make from plastic bottles?”. Iapplied my creative design, maker, and artistic skills to transformthe overlooked into the beautiful. I would like to think that mydesigns are the Sex in the City of the reuse world!”Welcome to this enormous collection of 45 Ideas of How ToRecycle Plastic Bottles. The ideas that you are going to see inthis collection are a great way to get yourself inspired to create.But why plastic bottles? Well, look around you, I’m sure you’llfind a couple of them no matter where you are. This means thatthere are tons of thrown away plastic bottles that no one thinksabout as crafting materials. But for those who are a bit openminded like the people behind the designs that you are going to seebelow, plastic bottles are a treasure. From these old plasticbottles, those have reused them as decorations for your homeinstead of just throwing them away.Plastic bottles and glass bottles alike are leaving theenvironment in thousands of years if thrown away, never fullydecomposing without harming the environment a great deal. Raisingawareness and reaching sustainable standards is a responsibilityfor each user and we are strongly encouraging you to recycleeverything you can, everything humanly possible. The second bestoption is upcycling, basically reusing items into creative diyprojects.
DIY Lamp Design Ideas 1.0
Do It Yourself!
Hand crafted Lighted Bottles and Lampsmakewonderful and unique gifts for every day and any specialoccasion.It is a fairly simple process to turn a used glass bottleinto afully functioning lamp.My husband and I have been collecting recycled glass bottlesfromarea restaurants, bars and friends for several years now. Weevenstarted showing other people how to make their own lampsfromrecycled glass bottles.The recycled bottles we receive are cleaned, drilled withaspecial drill bit and cleaned again. You can buy drillbitsespecially made for drilling glass. These diamond tipped drillbitsare available in different sizes. Look for glass drilling bitsareyour local hardware store or online.Once the hole is drilled into the back of the recycledbottles,they can be filled with mini lights strings. If you want togo astep further you can also attach a lamp kit and coordinatinglampshade to the neck of the bottle. For ease of use some peoplealsoattach a separate on and off switch. This additional cordenablesusers to turn the bottle lamp on and off without having tounplugit from the outlet.Most lighted bottles and lamps are decorated with bows, beadsandvarious other decorations to give them a unique look. To givethelamps extra stability they can also be filled with glassmarbles orother fillers.If you want to stay environmentally friendly fill yourrecycledbottle lights with high efficiency, cool to the touch LEDlightstrings. These mini light strings are very safe, you will saveonelectricity and you will never have to worry aboutfirehazards.Another fun way to upcycle a recycled glass bottle is to coveritwith chalk board paint. These Chalk Board Bottle Lights can beusedas eye catching signage in a restaurant, wine bar or boutique.Theycan easily be personalized with any type of short message.Wishsomeone a Happy Birthday, write a love note, a specialencouragementor sentiment for a friend or family member.Lighted bottles with a chalk board surface make agreatcenterpiece or conversation starter. Connect two or more oftheseChalk Board Bottle Lights to create a special effect or spreadthemaround your establishment for daily specials or reminders.Chalk Board Bottle Lamps also work well as a lighting source inawine cabinet or as signage for your dinner table or buffet.Announcean upcoming dinner menu or special occasion!Whichever type or style you choose, from a simple lightedbottlesto bottle lamps or painted chalk board bottles, you caneasily makeyour own, unique gift from a recycled glass bottle.Lighting has become a more prominent feature in roomsforinterior design these days, with many showing interest inlamps,classical and innovative. I always remember my beautifulfloor lampwith its large pleated shade that was inherited from afamilymember and was fantastic to read under. Unlike ceilinglights, manylamps are a lot dimmer and help to emphasize light to aparticulararea of a room or help to add dimension to a space. Asitspopularity grows, some innovative lamps could almost be seenaspieces of art or even multipurpose objects.Sustainability has been the word on every one's lips today,withpeople looking for ways to make the home beautiful withoutbeing aburden on the environment. DIY and recycling has been a bigtrendlately and can be seen from innovative lamps made frompre-lovedbits and bobs, thankful to be given a new life. Tripodlamps are anexample of this. Designers have taken a wooden tripodonce used forsurveying and added a light bulb on top to transformit into asomewhat post-modern creation. The legs and pieces fromthe framemake it a rather industrial looking piece but it is thataspectthat will bring character and life to a room.Carrying on from DIY, making use of household items, canmeancoming up with crazy creations.
DIY Recycled Crafts Design 1.0
Do It Yourself!
Every single one of us have our own ideaofwhat’s beautiful, stylish, comfortable or functional, but youhaveto admit – whatever we make ourselves is automatically somuchcooler! With endless inspiration sources online, thedo-it-yourselfor simply DIY projects have become increasinglypopular. Besidesleaving you with a one-of-a-kind product of yourimagination, it isalso a great past time activity, one where youcan also engage yourfamily and friends. And hey, even if the finalresult isn’t exactlywhat you had in mind – getting your hands onsome crafts was stillfun, wasn’t it?Here’s a selection of some DIY projects that we loved and decidedtoshare with you. Feel the rush of inspiration yet?Time to empty that recycle bin...right into your craft room!Withour amazing collection of 674 recycled crafts, you'll findhundredsof uses for Mason jars, toilet paper rolls, egg cartons,paperplates, and even old sweaters! From funky jewelry tobeautiful homedecor ideas, these trash to treasure projects arethe perfect way touse up all those extra bottles and jugs that youhave lying aroundyour house.Crafters of all ages and skill levels are sure to findsomethingthey'll love in our collection of 674 recycled crafts.Kids willget a kick out of the egg carton projects and paper platecraftingideas, and adults will enjoy learning what they can do withthoseempty wine bottles and bottle caps.If you've been saving everything from toothbrushes to Masonjars,you're going to love the projects and tutorials we'vegathered upfor you in 674 Recycled Crafts: Crafting withRecyclable Items.Many people like DIY home improvement projects, whileotherswould rather hire outside help. It doesn't matter whichchoice youpick, just make sure you know what's happening. One bigmistake youcan make, is getting the job started and realize yourskill levelisn't sufficient to do the job right. This article willgive yousome helpful tips on how to plan your DIY homeimprovementprojects.Project IdeasRecycling can help the environment in many ways and it isessentialthat you don't underestimate what you can do.Carrier bags and twist ties. Carrier bags can be reused in theshopsor as bin bags around the house. Paper bags make usefulwrappingpaper and twist ties can be used to secure loose itemstogether,such as computer wires.Envelopes By sticking labels over the address you canreuseenvelopes. Alternatively, old envelopes can be used as scrappaperto make notes on.Jars and pots. By cleaning glass jars and small pots, you canusethem as small containers to store odds and ends.Newspaper, cardboard and bubble wrap Make useful packingmaterialwhen moving house or to store items.Projects for KidsNearly all youngsters. Appreciate homemade projects consideringtheyare fun plus aesthetic. Quite a few crafts may also be usefulandmay also be employed to tutor boys and girls of any ageregardingproportions, words, creatures, forms, types togetherwithtestimonies concerning the historical past or articles.Thisfantastic part concerning crafts is any child can engage in,inaddition to their finalized merchandise need not beflawless.Kid'scrafts are for sale for every age group as well astraining grades.You can find great hobbies intended for childcareand alsopreschool kids, family members, as well as grandfatherandgrandmother to relish utilizing their grandchildren.Recycled Craft Ideas for AdultThere are lots of Arts and Crafts tasks that may be carried out inashort time and easily you probably have the precise tools fortheproject. The tools used in Arts and Crafts projects might beassimple as glue or would possibly require the use ofmechanicaldevices to get the mission completed. The completedinitiativeswill be a creative praise to many hours of arduous workandinventive effort.
DIY Bamboo Projects Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
If you've ever seen tall stalks of goldenbamboo in a grove or in photographs, you might be surprised tolearn that it is a grass. A very fast growing, tall grass. While'dwarf' bamboo grows to less than a foot, some species actuallygrow 100 feet tall!Bamboo is attractive, pliable and sturdy, and is the preferredplant used in the making of wicker furniture. (It's also providesthe preferred food of the Giant Panda, but that's a differentstory.)Once the wood has been properly treated to prevent insectinfestation, bamboo forms a very tough hardwood that can be used infences, canes, toys, musical instruments, clothing, and much more,including decorative baskets.Bamboo grows in many countries around the world, such as China,Japan and Indonesia, and each country has its own traditionalmethod of weaving baskets. So if you're thinking of adding adecorative bamboo basket or two to your home decor, you can go withtraditional designs of your own area, or purchase something uniquefrom another country.Baskets woven from bamboo are works of art in their own right,and can stand on their own as decorative pieces. But they are aboveall functional, and can be used for a variety of purposes, fromholding various knicknackery to setting off plants or flowersplaced within.Don't just go into a local store and buy the first basket yousee. If you search the web you can find hundreds of examples ofintricately woven baskets that will amaze you with their beauty.Even if your home is not furnished with an 'Oriental motif,' atraditional Japanese basket is such a unique work of art that itwill stand out and complement its surroundings.Because bamboo baskets can be so beautiful, it's no surprisethat it takes a long time to learn the craft. It can take artistsup to ten years just to learn to master the art of bamboo weaving.However, if you like to create your own baskets, don't despair,there are plenty of resources which will show you how to work withbamboo.Books such as The Basket Book: Over 30 Magnificent Baskets toMake and Enjoy, Handmade Baskets: From Nature's Colorful Materials,and The Craft & Art of Bamboo: Projects for Home and Garden arewritten for the beginner and have simple designs to start with.On the internet, bamboo craft is a website chock-full of linksto every possible subject you could want to know about bamboo andthe art of working with it and creating everything from furnitureto baskets to clothing! It includes a message forum so like-mindedartisans can get together to exchange stories, hints andtechniques.The American Bamboo Society american bamboo is another excellentresource - and it provides links to societies around the world,from Mexico to Europe to Australia to China and Japan. There's avast network out there for those who'd like to learn how to makebeautiful bamboo baskets...or appreciate those who have.Many homebuilders are looking for ways to work with the naturalelements when selecting building materials for their dream bungalowplans. For centuries builders in the east have used bamboo becauseit is easy to manipulate and requires little technical skills.Bamboo is a simple material. Its beauty and durability was not loston the eastern artisans and builders of the past. Its growingpopularity in the western world only adds to the rich history ofthis material.It is not uncommon for a family to discard log home plans inlieu of more simple bamboo house plans. One way to gage if a bamboohouse is right for your family is to take on a simple projectfirst. Many less labor-intensive bamboo projects can be finished ina day or two. A bamboo picture frame or candleholder is a fun andeasy way for the entire family to get involved. If you find workingwith bamboo to be an enjoyable experience, you might want to goonto more challenging projects such as gates or reading lamps, andeven eventually your own bamboo home.
DIY Decoupage Design Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
If you are looking for an inexpensive, funhobby and like to follow the new hot trend of recycling as well,then you should definitely check out the very old, but very popularart-form of decoupage. Decoupage comes from the French verb,decouper, which means "to cut." This refers to decorative papercutouts, being layered and glued on various objects. Finishing itof with several coats of sealers to make the cut out appearancediminish, and the result will look like an expensive painting.Blue NudesSo if you are looking for a fun craft project that some veryfamous people was mastering, including Marie Antoinette, Madame dePompadour, and more recently, Pablo Picasso and Matisse with hisvery famous blue nudes, then you just need a few simple tools andmaterials, and a bit of creativity, and you're all set to startthis very fun and rewarding art-form. You can decoupage on almostanything such as, picture frames, lampshades, books, plastic jars,glass containers, tables, chairs, bed boards... well, I could go onand on.Popular Among the DIY CrowdDecoupage was born in twelfth century China, but becameimmensely popular in France and the rest of Europe in the 17thcentury. However, this art form is once again gaining hugepopularity among the DIY crowd and the crafters all over the world.The materials are very inexpensive, and the decoupage techniquewill turn anything into a piece of art. From an old shoebox or apair of sneakers, to an ugly counter top or a picture frame. Yourimagination, glue and some cut outs can transform anythingimaginable into a work of art.Recycle and ReuseDecoupage is an art form that reuse and recycle old items morethan any other hobby. This hobby is very environmentally friendlyand is just right for today's world, when protecting ourenvironment is so important. We all can help saving our earth, bychoosing to recycle and reuse, instead of buying new things thatwill soon fill up our land fills. So next time you consider tothrow anything in the trash, take a second good look, because itcould be transformed into a chic and trendy decoupaged piece ofart. This old art form has become today's recycling!Decoupage a Habit-Forming HobbyWhatever you decide to create, you'll have the great pleasure toknow that you have taken on an art form from the 12th century. Infact, this is an art form that is just right for today and thefuture. Maybe by showing your creative and unique projects, you mayinspire others to follow in your footsteps to start recycling, andbring this art form into the next century. However, I do have towarn you, decoupage could be rather habit-forming. As soon as youstart to see the beautiful results from your decoupaged projects,you'll be on the look out for more things to decoupage. It's verystraightforward and easy crafting, and so much fun.When I moved into my apartment last year, I wanted to dosomething special with my decor. My apartment is one half of ahouse that's over a hundred years old and contains little gems likea fireplace in every room and gorgeous antique wallpaper. Regularfurniture wasn't going to cut it.So first, I went shopping. I found a decent table for $3 at theSalvation Army. The top was uneven with several different colors ofwood grain and, as if that wasn't enough, yellow and blue paintsplatters. I decided to sand and stain it.Two weeks and a lot of wasted time later, I decided to trysomething else. The color didn't turn out right and the surfacestill wasn't as smooth as I wanted. That's when I decided to try myhand at decoupaging.Step One: Go ShoppingAfter selecting your piece of furniture, get an idea for yourdesign. You can use anything from family photos or album covers tocute character cutouts for a child's room. I chose vintage magazineclippings for mine. You can get an old magazine at an antique storefor a dollar or so. Try to use magazines published on glossypaper.
DIY Crochet Design Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
The Dutch called it Haken and the Spanishcalled it Labor de Ganchillo, but call it Crochet and it looks justas delicate and. Today the word, with its roots in medieval FrenchCroc or croche meaning Hook, has come to signify one of the mostpopular fabric crafts for men and women across the globe. Yes, Idid say men...because an increasing number of men are now turningto this highly structured and organized craft for finding creativesatisfaction.Crochet is basically a series of interlocking loops of threadinto a chain to create brightly colored patterns. These patternedpatches can then be given various forms like table covers, totebags, hats and baby dresses. A single chain of loops is created,with each new loop catching the thread and pulling it through theprevious loop. Once the chain is completed, the thread is turnedstarting a second chain. Some popular stitches are: Chain, Single,Half Double, Double, Popcorn, and Cluster.Some of the most popular theories suggest the craft originatedin France. Significant evidence points to its earliest usage in the1700s Europe where it was developed as an affordable alternative tothe more expensive forms of lace. It needed inexpensive equipmentand raw material to create low-cost fabric and the art picked upenough to achieve the status of a flourishing cottage industry bymid 1800s.Branded as 'the commoners' lace', this art got a fillip when itreceived a patron in Queen Victoria of England. Though this art hashad its ups and downs over the centuries, its inherent simplicityand beauty has ensured its longevity and currency as a fashionablefabric in every century. Easy, affordable and fun, this art hasmany takers and a resounding Internet presence. Check out DIYguides and patterns on the web and get hooking for hours offun.I know of a few, forms of crochet, the versatile most oftenused, called, in the west, Crochet, encompassing a variety oftechniques utilising a hook and yarn and loop stitches; stitcheswith names like slip stitch, chain stitch, double crochet stitch,half treble and treble and a more.Archaeological finds suggest that Arabia may be the first areawhere fiber was worked by a needle and, or a hook. Ancient samplesfrom Egypt suggest a skilled application of needles and or hooks,going back to 950BC - 1200BC.Through its continued history across the ages, crochet, a wordfrom the French word croc, meaning hook; is believed to have beenworked by men and women. A technique that can be worked sitting,standing, lying down or when on the move, utilising many varietiesof yarns, linen, cotton, silk and wools, including finely beatenand spun precious metals (silver, gold), with or without theaddition of beads and spangles, to produce cloth, jewelry, bags,rugs, upholstery trim, to work fabric to cover furniture, to makewarm through to light garments, to the finest of laces and also toproduce artistic creations; sculptures, miniatures, creationslimited only to the artists imagination. Similar crochet patternsfound in India and North Africa give credence to the theory thatcrochet may have been in continuous use in the Middle East forthousands of years.Tunisian Crochet or is it Afghan or Tricot crochet, worked withwhat looks like a cross between a hook and a needle, where and whendid it first surface? Was it Tunisia? This form of crochet that canlook like crochet or knitting or weaving, was it the fore runner ofeach of these forms of fabric making?Slip stitch crochet, perhaps the earliest form of crochet andfabric making.Broom-stick crochet also called peacock lace, when and where didthis originate? Was it invented by Europeans traveling acrossAmerica in covered wagons, they had broomsticks and hooks, they hadthe acquired knowledge, they brought out from their homelands withthem, they needed very warm bedding and clothing, did they startcreating this fast and easily put down and picked up form ofcrochet?
DIY Home Improvement Ideas 1.0
Do It Yourself!
Install handmade shelves. Ratherthanpurchasing typical cookie-cutter shelves, consider visiting alocalcraft fair or woodworker for customized shelves. Everythingfromstyle, color, design and cutouts can be customized withhandmadeitems. Shelves are ideal for storing tools in the garageorknick-knacks in the family room.Replace vinyl flooring or install new tiles. Thesedays,convenience is everything. It's easier than ever to replacevinylflooring or install tiles with simple self-adhesive backingforeasy placement. This will literally give you a new floorsurfacewithin a few hours.Install carpet. Before making a purchase, be sure to measurethearea that you need to carpet. If you need to cut carpet, it'snot aproblem and special cutting tools can be purchased at anyhomeimprovement store. Simply roll it out and secure it to thefloorfor an easy DIY home improvement project.Install a ceiling fan. Not only will this add beauty to theroom,but it will also help to circulate the air. Just be carefulduringthe installation process and when climbing up or down aladder.If you are a big fan of wallpaper, then you already know thatitcan start to peel from time to time. It's inevitable. Atsomepoint, wallpaper will need replacing and it's arguably one oftheeasiest home improvement projects that you can do. Wallpaperissold at any home improvement store and can be cut to fit anyroomin your home. During installation, be sure to smooth the paperasyou go in order to avoid bubbled areas.If you like the idea of sitting out on the porch or deckandwatching fireflies light up in the night, consider addinganoutside addition to your home. Plans can be purchased online oratsome home improvement stores, along with the materials neededtocomplete the job.Painting your home, either inside or out, is a very popularwayof improving it's overall appearance. Always be sure to readtheinstructions and use paint in a well-ventilated area.One of the more sensible DIY home improvement projectsincludesthe installation of a dusk to dawn lighting system outsideof thehome. This type of lighting will automatically turn on ifthere isany movement outside of your home and is ideal for anyone,whetheryou live out in the country or in a larger area.As winter time rolls around, many people begin toconsiderreplacing their windows to ensure that they are protectedfrom theelements. Many people think of windows as simply somethingto lookthrough but, in fact, they are much more than that. Windowscanactually help to keep warm air inside your home and the coldairout during those harsh winter months, which will make itmorecomfortable for your family and also your wallet whereheatingcosts are concerned.Install wall paneling. If you don't like the idea of paintingorsimply prefer the look of paneling, a visit to your localhomeimprovement store could be the answer to your next DIYhomeimprovement project. Wall paneling is sold in sheets, ispre-cutand ready for installation. All you need to do is place itin thedesired location and secure it.DIY or do it yourself is a goal-oriented hobby initiatedandcompleted by individuals or small groups. The basic premise isthatif a person learns reasonably fast and knows how to applybasicskills to projects, then the person doesn't have to hireotherpeople to do the work for him.In recent years, DIY home improvement has made impactintelevision and in the hearts of interested homemakersandprofessionals. The idea of improving the looks of your homeusingyour own basic talent appeals to a lot of people. If you wishtobegin your own journey in DIY home improvement, certain thingshaveto be taken into consideration so that you can increaseyoursuccess rate in any DIY home improvement projects.
DIY Paper Quilling Craft Ideas 1.0
Do It Yourself!
Paper quilling is a form of art or craftbornout of creating decorative designs using thin strips ofcurledpaper. This age-old quilling craft has emerged sincetheRenaissance time, and dated back to about 3 centuries old. Itwasduring the time when all the nuns used small edges trimmed fromtheBible pages. From there, those pieces were used to createsimplebut beautiful form of artistry. This craft was known as"Quilling"due to how the scrapped of paper were wrapped aroundgoose quillsto create "coiled shapes".Getting into paper quilling craft was not expensive as most ofthetime you will only need few inexpensive basic materials, whichyoucan buy at most art and craft stores.Because of this, paper quilling has created much interestinfamily and friends especially home makers into creatingendlessopportunities around this paper craft. They are someenthusiastswho are totally involved in the craft, making their ownsets ofdesigns and ornaments, and even making it big by havinginventorieslarge enough to enter into local arts and craftsshow.With hard work and perseverance, anyone can be assured thattheopportunities opened up by this unusual and highly flexiblemediumare endless. Christmas ornaments made through paper quillingarequite common and in-demand. According to a paper quiller, LanaJBates had earned $900 in a farmers' market Christmas craftsshow.That's quite a good to gain.Moreover, the tools used in paper quilling are rather simpleandstraightforward. Some of the common tools used in the processareslotted quilling tool, needle, glue, tweezers and pins. Justbyusing these simple tools, long strips of paper are woundtightlyand released, and hereby forming complicated and complexshapers.To get higher precision of quilling accuracy, these toolsshould bemade with better metal quality and made to lastlonger.Here are some of the basic uses of such toolsSlotted Quilling tool - the slot that is attached along its shaftisused to hold the paper securely as you turn the tool in yourhand.Generally, the knurl on the handle ensures a firm grip ofyour handthat will be helpful in the rolling of a neater and eventightroll.Needle tool - Basically the needle used to used to enable afinercenter hole after rolling. This will generally produce amuchtighter roll with a smaller hole in the center.Glue - One of the most important tools in paper quilling.Theglue is widely used in joining the shaped quills. In ordertoproduce better and tighter quills, a basic mastery of gluehandlingis necessary ie the quantity and how you apply them ontoyourpaper.Tweezers - Tweezers are excellent tool to put together smallbitsand pieces of your paper quilling in right place. They can beusedto hold the coils that have been shaped, while you put a fewdropsof glue on the edges you are glueing together withoutdamagingit.Pins - While the tweezers will help you to put together allthesmall bits and pieces when you are sticking them, pins areusedwhen you are drying up the glue. The pins will allow you to puttheproject aside and finish it later, while waiting for the gluetodry up.Before we start with the quilling instructions you will needtohave the following items:-1. A Paper Quilling Tool. In years gone by the ladies of thedaywould use a feather quill to roll the coils, today a slottedneedleis the easiest tool to begin with.2. Strips of Colored Paper, available in various widths andamultitude of colors.3. Craft Glue. You will no doubt find your own preference butthemost important thing to remember when starting out is thatyoupurchase tacky glue which is clear when dry.Now that you have these bits and bobs it is time beginpracticinggetting the basic coil right.
DIY Picture Frames Design Idea 1.0
Do It Yourself!
In case if your store has sufficient stock,youwill be able to that perfect picture frame you have beenlookingfor! However you might not be that lucky always and have tosettlefor the satisfactory ones. But this does not necessarily beyourcase if you have enough time to make your own unique customframefor whichever object you want and hang it in your home ormaybe justgive it as a gift. You do not have to be quite crafty tomake aframe, however with the investment of minimum time you canmake abeautiful frame.Even though you can just go out and get yourself a framemucheasily making a custom frame all be yourself is a lot more fun.Soif you are tired of looking for that perfect frame and couldnotfind it then instead of feeling bad get your carpentrystufftogether and start making your own frame.One of the best places to go when you want to create apictureframe on your own is the neighborhood craft store. Oncethere youcan choose from the widest range of assortments,adornments andpaints which might just make your personal pictureframe look justthe way you want it to be. You can make eithersimple frames orsome beautifully crafted frames to make your artwork or photographlook beautiful. You will be able to find somenice pieces over theinternet and you can also buy it from thecomfort of your home.So if you have all that you need to make a frame then surelydoit at your own property. So the first thing to make sure is tohavea good and clear workspace and everything that you willneednearby. Incase if you are not sure with the paints orotherproducts to use, and then for sure look up at the internetforadvice. You can even ask the consultants in the craft store.Youmight also consider getting some experimental work done ontheframes. You will start gaining confidence when you make a fewofthe frames yourself. Once you have that confidence in you, youwilllove to make a DIY frame each time you plan on keepingamasterpiece.A custom frame is so awesome that you would want to make aframeeach and every time you have something special to frame. Youwillneed some supplies and might also need the help of yourlittlehelper at home. If you get really good at it then you canstartyour very own small company and have your customs frames tomarketat your craft store nearby or you can also have your ownwebsite tosell your stuff.The demand for paper picture frames has increased ascreatingscrapbooks became more and more popular. The idea ofplacing yourpicture in a frame with decorations complementary tothe theme ofthe photo is both new and exciting. You can addembellishments andmake the frame as personalized as the picture.Not only that, paperframes are also cheaper than their metal orwood counterparts. Theyalso are durable in their own right sincethey don't chip or rustlike the wood or metal version.Another great thing about frames made of paper is thatthey'resafe for babies to play with. Of course, it's better ifbabiesdon't play with frames, but should they be able to grab holdofone, there's no risk of them poking their eyes orcuttingthemselves. Paper frames are also recyclable so you knowyou'rehelping the environment in your own small way.Paper frames come with their own drawbacks, though -they'reneither water nor fire proof. You can't put your frames nearthestove or the fireplace, or next to flower vases or sweatingglassesof water. Cleaning should also be done with care. You can'tjustdump them in a tub of water for a scrub; you should use damp ordrycloth to wipe dust off your frames.However, if you want to take a crack at making your ownframeusing paper, all you need is corrugated paper, glue, a pencil,aruler, a pair of scissors, and your choice of decorations.Firstthing you need to do is measure the picture you'll be placinginthe frame and checking if it's landscape or portrait. Youdon'twant to place a landscape photo in portrait frame
DIY Gift Box Project Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
Shopping for the perfect gift for someonemightbe easy, but what happens when wrapping the gift turns out tobeimpossible? Well, this may be the reason that wrapping paper isathing of the past. Most shoppers opt for a gift box instead.There'sno wrapping paper involved, which saves you a lot of timewhilestill finding a neat, elegant way to present your gift. DIYgiftboxes are easy and simple to make and may even be better thanbuyinga gift box.PersonalThe greatest appeal in making these boxes yourself is thatyouget to make it personal. It won't just be a box, like alltheothers that are discarded once the gift is taken out. The wayyouchoose to decorate your gift box can convey a lot to thereceiver.You can write on it, add pictures to it, share an insidejoke ortwo, and make the gift giving experience personal andspecial.While all the other gifts came in generic boxes, yoursalone willbe unique.OptionsMaking your own gift box gives you a lot of freedom. Youcandecorate it however you wish and you can customize it accordingtothe taste and likes of the person receiving your gift. Thiswillmake the box almost as special as the gift it contains, whileatthe same time adding a lot of sentiment to it to make sure thatthereceiver knows that you put a lot of time and thought intoitbecause you care so much about them.CostYou can create these boxes out of almost anything you findaroundyour house. Most tutorials on the internet will teach youhow to usea cereal box to make a gift box. But depending on thesize and shapeof your gift, you might need to get hold of othercardboardboxes.This is much cheaper than buying gift boxes from stores as youareusing boxes that you already own to make them, and you candecoratethem without spending lots of money as well.Environmentally FriendlyAn added advantage is that you are doing your bit to keeptheEarth green by recycling paper. If the receiver of the gift isanature lover, then your best way to show that you know andcareabout their passions is to make your own gift box.It is very difficult for people to refuse good things whentheyare presented with one. Gifts have the ability to ignite agreatfeeling of love in people. The beautiful designs and colorsthatthe customized gift boxes comes with, makes it even difficultforthe eyes to resist. They are produced with great varietiesofdesigns, shapes and colors to make your gift item appearmoreattractive. With HD printing and a wide variety of CMYK colors,youcould imagine the beauty that this item would have.Customized gift boxes have received several innovations toastage where you can get a specific design for every item youfindsuitable to offer someone special. It does not matter theoccasion,be it a birthday celebration, marriage ceremonies,oranniversaries, you can now have beautifully customized giftboxesthat will suite the occasion. It is possible to have themdecoratedwith add-ons such as ribbons, butterflies, laces and otherglittersthat would give it that stunning look. You may also havespecialfabric flowers pasted on the box, to give them thatfloralappearance as well. The general idea of presenting a gifttosomeone is to show them how much you love and treasure them.The beautify about getting customized gift boxes is that theycanspecifically be used to symbolize the event for which youintend topresent it for. For birthday gifts, you can have boxesthat aredesigned with creamy and chocolate colors, just to addmore value tothe event. For marriages, you can obtain specialwhite boxes whichare branded with red and beautiful floralribbons. They are alsothemed with fonts that conveys the messagefrom your heart to thatspecial person. You can also make the eventmore memorable by addingphotos of your loved ones or yourself onthe box, and this of coursewill make your gift to standout.
DIY Necklaces Design Ideas 1.0
Do It Yourself!
If you love wearing necklaces, but don’tfeellike spending money on expensive jewelry, then maybe you shouldtryto do something on your own. Below you will be able to see 15GreatDIY Necklace Ideas, that will inspire you to make your ownuniquenecklace. And don’t worry you don’t have to be a professionaltomake this necklaces. Just follow the links under the picturessothat you can get to the full tutorials. See what kind ofmaterialsyou will need, provide them and get ready to make yournextnecklace.Enjoy!DIY Neon Rope Chain NecklaceDIY Ribbon NecklaceDIY Triangle NecklaceDIY Necklace IdeaDIY Statement NecklaceDIY Vintage Button NecklaceDIY Pearl NecklaceDIY Brass Ring Statement NecklaceDIY Studded Box Chain NecklaceDIY Zipper NecklaceDIY Anthropologie Beaded Bib NecklaceDIY Swarowski NecklaceDIY D&G Inspired NecklaceDIY Collar NecklaceDIY Nail Polish NecklaceThe do-it-yourself jewelry is more and more practiced bypeopleall around the world and they’re sharing their ideas with us.Inthis post you can take a look at 15 DIY Easy-To-MakeJewelryCrafts. You can make them in no time and you won’t have tospend afortune on making them cause all you need you already havein yourhomes.Let’s thanks all the creative craft bloggers on theinternetcause without them we would have never learnt how to makethe kindof jewelry you see in boutiques. So when people ask youwhere youbought your jewelry, you can reply, I made it! Good luckand getdown to work!Hi girls today have prepared for you 10 wonderful ideas hottomake collar necklaces. These necklaces are very fashionablelatelyand the most of the girls adore because it looked veryclassy, chicand elegant. Maybe just now it is time to do somethingwith yourold fashioned pearl necklaces. If you see our picturesbelow youwill see fantastic ideas from your old necklace withpearls to makea collar necklace you can also use zircon. Pick upyour favouritebelow and wear it on any occasion because thisfashion accessory isacceptable with all fashion combinations.Enjoy!Accessories are a fun way to personalize an outfit with yourownunique flair, and these DIY jewelry ideas are offeringfashionistassome creative ways to make such things as bracelets andnecklacesstraight from scratch.While buying jewelry pieces from the mall is definitelyaconvenient way to add accessories to your wardrobe, findingdesignsthat are unique and different from others is the challengingpart.That's why opting to create a piece of jewelry yourself is afunalternative that will surely provide you with something craftyandout-of-the-ordinary. From DIY activities that transform sharkteethinto necklaces to projects that allow you to morph scarvesandpieces of plastic into bangles, these DIY jewelry ideas willsurelyoffer you some inventive ways to add unique accessories toyourwardrobe.Jewellery is a weak point of almost all ladies out there.Everygirl is constantly on the hunt for new, creative, and crazywaysfor style statement.Beading and jewelry designs have always been popular amongthecrafting community, but the past few years have seen DIYjewelrybecome bigger than ever.Some people assume that they need loads of expensive materialortons of patience to work with tiny pieces of material. It maymaybe true for those that make fine and artisan jewelry.But here you will find simple ways to make beautifulnecklacesthat you can wear proudly.
DIY Food Decoration Design 1.1
Do It Yourself!
Do you throw dull, unorganized and every-daypicnics. Why not throw the picnic or party that everyone would wantto attend. Everyone who is anyone in your circle of friends willcome and will be talking about the awesome party you put togetherfor days, weeks or even years. Have you ever gone to a party andwondered, "how did she do that?" or thought, "they are socreative".You can be that person that everyone is talking about. You canbe that creative host or hostess that would throw an interestingevent.Food garnishing tips and decoration ideas can be found in avariety of places. If you cannot think of ideas on your own, justGoogle it! You can find books at the department store, or you couldcopy an idea from a friend or associate when you attend one theirparties or picnics.Disney has been a major part of my niece's life and she's a hugefan. She has decorated watermelon slices into the shape of MickeyEars with a Popsicle stick inserted as handles. She has madeprincess cupcakes for her daughter's birthday. Her mother, mysister cuts apples into flower designs, places on skewers sticksfor the beautiful edible bouquet. I found a recipe to createPilgrim hats from cookies, candy and icing.Have you ever tried to be creative? I, personally, have troublethinking outside the box, but it doesn't stop me from having aunique and inviting event. Even if you can't think of your ownideas, you can certainly take advantage of ideas from others tomake creations for your specially-themed event. Your themed partycan be more interesting with a few helpful hints for foodgarnishing and food decorating. Don't worry about "having twothumbs". Food garnishing tips and decoration ideas that you find inyour search will provide for you very easy-to-followdirections.Like I said, I am not usually able to create my own ideas, butwhen I search for ideas, I am able to make these creations with alittle time, patience and instructions.Here are few food garnishing tips and decoration ideas that I'mexcited to share with you. These I have found in my search to add alittle extra touch to my dinner parties, my picnics and when we aretheming out a banquet or wedding event.By using some snack size milky way bars, some plain m&mscandies and a few teddy grahams, you can make these cute littlecars for a child's birthday party, or a Nascar themed event. Themilk way is the body of the car, the m&ms are the wheels andthe teddy graham is stuffed in at the top, toward the back as ifit's the driver.You could also use a few sliced bananas, add some cut-up kiwiand add some halo pieces placed perfectly on a plate will create asummer themed treat. Your guests can enjoy fresh fruit around thisbeautiful display. (The banana makes the trunk of a palm tree, thekiwi makes up the top of the tree, while the tangelos pieces makeup the sandy beach.Another great idea that I have used at Thanksgiving is the fallfoliage acorn. If you take a Hershey kiss, with a chocolate chipand half of a nutter butter round to create the perfect lookingacorn favors. Placing the kiss, lightly melted to the nutter buttercookie and finish the top of the nutter butter with a smallchocolate chip, lightly melted, so it sticks, will give you a cutelittle acorn to place on each dinner plate as a favor.Food garnishing tips and decoration ideas can be found easilynow because of the opportunity that the great world-wide web hasprovided to all of us. Google it!Cakes, cookies, and pastry:Regular buttercream icing can be put to good use on the standbydesserts of cakes, cookies, and pastry. You can use a spatula tospread icing over the surface of the dessert and a decorating bagto apply designs, but a plastic food storage bag with the tip of acorner cut off can work well for some simple applications. Thesimplest designs start with lettering and swirl patterns.
DIY Craft Frame Project 1.1
Do It Yourself!
In case if your store has sufficient stock,you will be able to that perfect picture frame you have beenlooking for! However you might not be that lucky always and have tosettle for the satisfactory ones. But this does not necessarily beyour case if you have enough time to make your own unique customframe for whichever object you want and hang it in your home ormaybe just give it as a gift. You do not have to be quite crafty tomake a frame, however with the investment of minimum time you canmake a beautiful frame.Even though you can just go out and get yourself a frame mucheasily making a custom frame all be yourself is a lot more fun. Soif you are tired of looking for that perfect frame and could notfind it then instead of feeling bad get your carpentry stufftogether and start making your own frame.One of the best places to go when you want to create a pictureframe on your own is the neighborhood craft store. Once there youcan choose from the widest range of assortments, adornments andpaints which might just make your personal picture frame look justthe way you want it to be. You can make either simple frames orsome beautifully crafted frames to make your art work or photographlook beautiful. You will be able to find some nice pieces over theinternet and you can also buy it from the comfort of your home.So if you have all that you need to make a frame then surely doit at your own property. So the first thing to make sure is to havea good and clear workspace and everything that you will neednearby. Incase if you are not sure with the paints or otherproducts to use, and then for sure look up at the internet foradvice. You can even ask the consultants in the craft store. Youmight also consider getting some experimental work done on theframes. You will start gaining confidence when you make a few ofthe frames yourself. Once you have that confidence in you, you willlove to make a DIY frame each time you plan on keeping amasterpiece.A custom frame is so awesome that you would want to make a frameeach and every time you have something special to frame. You willneed some supplies and might also need the help of your littlehelper at home. If you get really good at it then you can startyour very own small company and have your customs frames to marketat your craft store nearby or you can also have your own website tosell your stuff.Imagine being able to frame your own photographs, prints,tapestries, and artwork as well as a professional. Picture framingis actually quite fun and easy to DIY. There are 5 easy steps toframing.Step 1 - How to Cut MatsAdding a colour border (the mat) around your artwork enhancesthe picture and provides a restful area between the image and thepicture frame. The colour and size of the mat board must be decidedfirst, as this will determine the overall dimensions of yourpicture frame. You start by calculating the external size of themat.To cut the mat use a good quality bevel mat cutter and ruler.There are several cutting systems to suit various budgets and skilllevels, including the Mat Master Model 660 for the hobbyists, tothe Mat Master 860B or 1060B for the keen home picture framer.Mark the borders to be cut on the back of the mat board.Make sure the mat will cover the edges of the artwork, bysubtracting approx. 3mm or 1/8" from the image size (length &width). Cut the mat following the instructions for your mat cutter.Attach the picture to the mat using 2 small pieces of acid freetape on the top edge only.Step 2 - How to Cut the Picture FrameHow much picture frame moulding material will I need? Carefullymeasure the picture and mat you wish to frame. Add an extra (3mm)for "play" to ensure the picture fits easily into the finishedpicture frame.
DIY Bag Design Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
DIY handcraft of bag designs has becomesomething which could affect the handbag industry nowadays. A lotof people would think that DIY bags are interesting and the qualityof designs of most of these bags is not low.As a result, you may find that there are more and more companiesor websites publishing information to teach people about how tomake DIY handicraft bags. If you treat this kind of work as an artbased education, you may make use of this kind of valuable chanceto encourage your kids to give their own handmade craft ideas.After they generate the ideas, you may try to make the bags withthem. Before making the DIY bags, you need to discuss with yourkids about the designs of it. If you are not good at designing thebags, you may try to search for information of traditional bags andsome existing bags in the market. With these designs as reference,you can discuss with your kids about the design of your own bag.Sometimes, the kids craft ideas may not be realistic.He or she may want to include plenty of special designs in theproduct and you may find that it is a bit difficult to realizetheir designs. At that moment, you should never reject the idea ofyour kids' DIY bags immediately. You need to discuss with them andexplain the difficulties in making the bag.One of the most important purposes of making DIY bags with yourkids is to encourage them to think more and encourage them to usetheir creativity to be innovative. Therefore, you have to listen totheir ideas carefully before rejecting. Otherwise, your kids willbe scared and they will no longer be willing to share with youabout their ideas. This will definitely be something of a pity.After you finish discussing the design with your kids, you needto bring them to markets and buy the necessary items. This isanother important thing that you need to do with your kid. Thereare numerous people who try to buy the items on their own. If youdo this, you kids may not know how hard you need to search for thematerials.Sometimes, arguing with your kids about the choice of materialsis useless. If you bring them to those shops and show that it isvery difficult to get those materials for making the DIY bags, theywill understand your circumstance and they will try to use anotherdesign next time.In the production of the DIY bags, you may play a key roleindeed. It is because there will be need of using some sharp toolsand these tools may hurt your kids. You have to figure out asuitable way which could let your kid enjoy making the bag whileprotecting them. This can be one of the most difficult jobs duringthe DIY process with your kids. They want freedom but you need toprotect them. You may need to learn how to do this.For years, party bags have been an essential item to include inany children's birthday party. Whether it's a simple gesture to say'thank you for coming', or a lavish present full of toys andtreats, each bag is adored by those who receive them.Although the most traditional route for creating party bags hasbeen the DIY route, there have been several companies setup inrecent years that can provide high quality bags for any type ofchildren's parties.Looking at both side by side, what are the benefits foreach?Cost - Without doubt the most important factor for most, DIYparty bags will generally be the cheaper option. Allowing you toset a certain budget and stick to it, DIY bags allow for the personcreating them to choose exactly what they want to include in thebags. It must be noted that although filled party bags are oftenthe more expensive option, it does not mean that they areunaffordable. Many companies can offer them for a set amount perhead, allowing you to keep control of your budget.
DIY Bird Bath Design Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
The history of birdbaths remainslargelyunknown, but it is rumored they were invented in Greece manyyearsago. Regardless of where they came from, it is fact that birdbathshave become an essential structure of backyards all acrosstheworld. This is one of the great things about birdbaths:almostanyone can have one. If you have been thinking aboutpurchasing abird bath, but don't know where to start, the processis actuallyvery easy.Choosing a Birdbath - What You Need to KnowUnlike feeders, bird baths can bring all types of birds upcloseand personal. This is because many birds are not seed-eaters,sothey are not drawn to bird feeders. All birds however, need asafehaven to clean themselves, drink, and socialize with otherbirds.This is where your birdbath comes in! Offering fresh, cleanwaterto birds is the number one method you can use to bring themintoyour yard. Beyond that, here are a few other necessities thatwillbring birds to your birdbath:Shallow Water. The water can't be too deep in a bird bath.Infact, you don't want it to be any deeper than three inches inthecenter, and it should be shallower at the edges. Just likepeople,birds prefer to ease their way into the water!Moving Water. Birds are in awe of gurgles, splashes, and drips.Toattract many different types of birds, your birdbath shouldhavesome type of a drip or gurgle to entice them to stay awhile.Thisisn't necessary, as it isn't a safety issue, but ifyou'repurchasing a new birdbath, consider one that comes with amechanismto move the water around. You can also run a hose thattricklesinto the bird bath, or purchase a separate fountaindesigned forbirdbaths.Bumpy Bottoms. If your bird bath has a smooth, slipperybottom,birds will be unlikely to hang around. They do not likelosingtheir footing any better than you do! If your birdbath has aslickbottom, just pick up a few nonskid stickers. You can applythem toyour bird baths bottom to give your birds a bitmorestability.Placement is Essential. Your birdbath should be placed in an areaofyour yard that is away from shrubbery, so cats can't lie inwait.Also, if you have a spot with branches from a tree hangingdown,putting your bird bath there will give your birds a place tojumpto. They will love this, and these branches offer aquick-escaperoute should they need one.What Type of Bird Bath is Best?There are several different types of birdbaths on the markettoday,so you are sure to find at least one that you love. With thatinmind, there really is not a 'better' type of bird bath. Thinkaboutyour likes, your yard, and what appeals to you. Some of thetypesof birdbaths to consider are:Pedestal Birdbath. A pedestal bird bath is the most commontypeon the market today. They're also thought of the mosttraditionalof all birdbaths. A pedestal birdbath has the bathraised on apedestal, and the designs vary from the most modest tothe mostelaborate. Another plus with pedestal birdbaths is thatthey areavailable in all shapes and sizes.Heated Bird Bath. A heated bird bath is one that ensures thewaterin your birdbath never freezes. If you live in a climate thatismild all year, you probably don't need to consider purchasingaheated bird bath. On the other hand, if you live in a localethathas cold winters, you will be doing your birds a favorbyfurnishing them with water they can use twelve months oftheyear.Fountain Bird Bath. As mentioned earlier, birds are drawn tothesound of moving water. Fountain bird baths are especiallyappealingbecause of the relaxing sound they enhance your yard with.Also, itis so much fun to watch birds play in the running water.These birdbaths can be powered by electricity or by the sun asexplainedbelow.
DIY Poster Bed Design Ideas 1.0
Do It Yourself!
Back in the days, wealthy people wouldaddtheir luxuriously carved canopy beds to the will, leavingtheirbeloved dreamland to be enjoyed and admired by futuregenerations.Now, we get to enjoy past examples and contribute ourown designsto the history of this fascinating bed.Wealthy or not, we all dreamFirst built as a functional furniture item, the canopy bedbecamethe canvas for inspiring carvings and design interpretationsindifferent upscale residences. From four poster beds withcurtainsthat kept warmth in and noise out to ornate canopy beds ofthewealthy, this fairly simple bed design has seen a revivalincontemporary interior design.Maybe you love the look of a canopy bed, but can't afford to buynewfurniture. (Hey, beds are expensive). Or maybe you really likeyourcurrent bed, but want to give it a bit of a romanticmakeover.Here's an Apartment Therapy guide to DIYing your way tocanopybliss.An easy way to get the canopy bed look is to hang curtainsfroman L-shaped drapery rod that's been mounted to the ceiling. Inthiscase, the curtains can't be drawn around the bed, butyoudefinitely get that romantic look. I love how, in this examplefromthe Dream Home, the ceiling above the bed (and the wall behindtheheadboard) have been painted to contrast with the rest of theroom.It creates a sort of optical illusion where the ceiling abovethebed becomes the canopy.Here are a few more variations on this look. The bed on thelefthas a full canopy frame hung from the ceiling. If you reallycravethe look of a full tester and curtains, this is a great way togetit without buying a canopy bed. The example on the right issimilarto the one above, but in this case, the curtain rods thatthedrapes are hung from extends the full length of the bed,whichallows you to draw the drapes closed if you want to getreallycozy.There's also the option of hanging curtains only over the headofthe bed. I'm partial to the setup on the left because itonlyrequires mounting a u-shaped rod on the wall above the bed.Thearrangement on the right is a little more complicated, but withabig dramatic payoff.From Better Homes and Gardens: drape a piece of fabric overtwoswing-arm curtain rods, mounted on either side ofYou can mount a single hoop or curtain rod to the ceiling inthemiddle of your bed and drape fabric from it over the ends ofyourbed. This works best if the long side of your bed faces a wall,andif the headboard and foot board are roughly the same height.The Antique Drapery Rod Co. has diagrams showing all kindsofdifferent canopy arrangements, and the hardware you'll needtocreate them.From Country Living, a clever idea for bedrooms withslopingceilings.And finally, a completely modern take on a canopy — a largepieceof boldly-patterned fabric suspended over the bed. (If youlookclosely, you can see the fabric is hung from ropes threadedthroughgrommets at the corners. I'm guessing the ropes are tied tohooks inthe corners of the ceiling.) I love how the fabric adds apop ofcolor in an otherwise minimal room.And now that you're full of ideas...time to get crafting.With this in mind, we return to our reality. Now that summerisover and we hurry towards wintertime, outdoor canopy beds areputaside for an encounter with cozy canopy beds in thebedroom.Feathered beds used to be frameless bags filled withfeathers thathad to be fluffed every morning. Now we indulge insoft but sturdymattresses with luxurious bed sheets under breezycanopies.
DIY Party Decorations Design 1.1
Do It Yourself!
Do you love to entertain, but think yourbudgetdoesn't allow for it? Think again. Party decorations andfavorsdon't have to break the bank. You can try creatingDo-It-Yourselfparty favors and decorations for extra savings. Theyoffer anexcellent way to create everything you need while savingmoney. Notonly do DIY favors save money, but creating your ownfavors willallow you creative freedom and add a unique personaltouch.All it takes to decorate a party while on a budget issomecreativity, free time and determination. Here are a few greatideasto get you started:InvitationsDIY invitations are an easy way to cut down on party costs.Theyare perfect for adding your own personal touch and uniquestyle.Making the party invitations yourself allow you fullcreativefreedom. It will be really easy to tie your party themeinto theinvitations or send a personalized message to eachguest.The possibilities are endless when you are creating yourowninvitations. There are many ways you can decorate invitations,sochoose a technique or a variety of techniques and startcrafting.One of the most important aspects of an invitation is thepaper.There are countless styles, colors, textures and patterns ofpaperavailable. Choose one that will compliment your party theme orwillwork well with the decorating technique you use.Using pen and ink is a fantastic way to decorateinvitationswhile on a budget. If you are gifted with drawing youcan doodle ordraw imagery or embellishments on invitations to add apersonaltouch. Calligraphy is an elegant way to decorate andpersonalizeinvitations. Stamping and scrapbooking can add awhimsical feel andreally turn your invitations into keepsakes.Table DecorationsCreating table centerpieces is an easy way to set the mood foraparty. The first thing you need to figure out is what themeyourparty is going to have. Is the party geared towards childrenoradults? Is it relaxed, formal, fun or elegant? Once you are setona theme or look all you need is creativity to achieve it.One inexpensive way to make a centerpiece for a variety ofeventsis to utilize containers. These can be anything from vasesand teapots to fish bowls and old lunch boxes. Once you haveyourcontainers picked out, you can fill them with a variety ofitems,such as, marbles, pebbles, flowers, mini balloons, stuffedanimals,candy or glass ornaments. Let your imagination run wild.Candlesare another spectacular centerpiece idea. They are perfectforgiving the look of elegance and they create a warm glow forthetable. A spread of colorful fruit and vegetables is afantasticidea for fall parties, family gatherings and formalevents. Simplychoose an array of produce and arrange it in aneye-catching wayand you'll have a centerpiece that people will loveand you caneven eat it when you're done.Party FavorsIf you want to leave your guests with a special treat at theendof a successful party do-it-yourself party favors are the waytogo. You don't have to spend a bundle to give out fun andmemorableparty favors. Edible favors are an excellent idea becausepeoplelove to eat and you can do it yourself. Baked good makeperfectfavors for any event. You can make a favorite treat and wrapit upbeautifully. Little bundles of individually wrapped candyisanother delectable idea. Personalized coasters and coaster setsarea long-lasting favor that is perfect for more formal parties.Evensimple keepsakes such as origami swans and flowers can be areallyunique way to say thank you to guest for attending.As you can see, it doesn't take a huge budget to make yourpartyfeel like a million dollars. With a little creativity youcancreate beautiful invitations, elegant table centerpieces andsendyour guests home with personalized party favors. Startplanningyour next party today and apply some of these handytips.
DIY Coffee Mugs Storage Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
We all have a coffee mug that we simplyadore.Some of us do have multiple mugs that we adore, anentirecollection in some cases. We have put up an extraordinarycreativeand graphic diy mug storage selection meant to make thingseasierwhen it comes down to you kitchen showcase.You have multiple options when it comes to materials used,youhave multiple options when it comes down to position, tailorthesolution to your own setup, start your diy project today.1.SIMPLE WOODEN UNDER CABINET COFFEE MUG RACK2.TAILOR A CUSTOM SOLUTION FOR YOUR MUGS OUT OF AN OLD SHELF3.SHABBY CHIC DIY PALLET COFFEE CUP HOLDER4.SCANDINAVIAN DESIGN WITH IKEA FINTORP RAILS5.SHABBY CHIC SALVAGED WOOD PERSONALIZED TO HOLD MUGS6.PEG BOARDS CAN BE TRANSFORMED INTO MUG ORGANIZERS7.MUGS CAN BECOME REAL PIECES OF ART8.METALLIC COFFEE MUG TREE9.SIMPLE WINE PIECES HOLDING COLORFUL IKEA MUGS10.SIMPLE OPEN SHELVES CAN PRESENT MUGS BEAUTIFULLY11.WOODEN PALLETS HOLDING GLASSES AND MUGS12.METAL TREE BRANCHES MOUNTED ON A PILLAR13. COLORFUL AND DISCRETE MUGS AND TEA CUPS UNDERKITCHENCABINET14.WINE RACK USED AS MUG HOLDER WHEN NOT OCCUPIED15.FESTIVE ENTERTAINING COFFEE MUGS TOWER16.HOMEMADE SHELF CARRYING MUGS17.COFFEE CUPS WATERFALL DECOR18.METAL MUG TREE19.ONE TINY DRAWER USED FOR ONE MUG20.CLEVER SHELF CUP HOLDER21.VINTAGE POT HOLDER CARRYING MUGS BEAUTIFULLY22.PILLAR CARRYING MUGS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM23.COLOR GRADIENT MUG COLLECTION24.SMALL LITTLE HOOKS CARRYING TINY MUGS25.SUPERB COFFEE CUPS IN VINTAGE BASKET26.CURTAIN ROD HOLDING COFFEE MUGS BEAUTIFULLY27.COLORFUL MUG DISPLAY28.SIMPLE WOODEN MUG ORGANIZER29.INGENIOUS STEMWARE RACK DOUBLE DUTY30.OLD TOOL BOX CARRYING MUGS IN A VINTAGE MANNERCoffee is the most popular drink that people consume all overtheworld. With the development of this drink, coffee breweriesandmanufacturers came out with dozens of flavors and derivativedrinkslike latte, cappuccino, instant coffee and many more. Inaccordanceto this abundance of drinks, several drink ware alsoemerged tocope with that development.Mugs are among the most preferred options for those whodrinkcoffee on daily basis. Whether you are drinking it at home,work orany other place; a good coffee mug adds a lot to thecoffeeexperience and because of that, mugs now come in differentshapes,sizes and designs.First of all, the mug was mad of porcelain with white innerandouter color. Soon after, this changed into a full range ofcolorsof the external part of the mug while the inner part stayedwhite.After that, the coffee mug developed into a full series ofdesignswith different shapes and sizes.Storing these mugs needs coffee mug rack. The rack comesindifferent shapes and designs also. The mug rack is the best waytostore these mugs. The best thing about the rack is that it isamethod of storage and in the mean time it is also adecorativeitem.A coffee mug rack can store coffee mugs of different numbers.Youcan find a good rack that stores 3, 5, 6, or even 10mugs.Sometimes, you get the coffee mugs with the appropriate racktostore them. Basically, this type of coffee mugs would come asacomplete set.On the other hand, you can buy it alone and get theappropriatecoffee mug rack to store it. Choosing the right rack foryour mugsshould be according to specific criteria.First of all, if you have a large number of mugs then agoodlarge rack should be stable and of large size in order to hostallthese mugs. Search a little bit for a mug rack that can hostallthese mugs in one place. If you have a really large number ofmugsthen, it is possible to get two racks and put them in adecorativemethod in your kitchen.If you do not plan to have it for a long time then, do not gofora very expensive one. In the mean time, getting a cheap rackcouldcause your mugs to slip down and they may be broken. Choose amugrack that can protect your mugs
DIY Mask Design Ideas 1.0
Do It Yourself!
Masks have been used in many culturesandcivilizations since time immemorial to hide or to protecthumanfaces. These are remarkable objects, created by theimaginativemembers of traditional civilizations. The tradition ofmasks datesback to the early 6th century B.C.It was used throughout the world. People from Alaskan culturesusedmasks along with drumming, dancing and story telling. Theyusedthen on many ceremonial occasions. However, after the influxofChristianity in the late 19th century, masked dancingwassuppressed and today it is not practiced as it was before intheAlaskan villages. Masks were also used in Japan and Mexico.Mexicanmasks are spicy and humorous. In Puerto Rico, there areVejigantemasks. These masks show a fusion of African, Spanish andCaribbeancultures. The Vejigante is an imaginary character full ofenergyand color.In ancient times people used design masks. These masksweregenerally in the form of animals or other persons. Theseincludedceremonial masks, festival masks and theatrical masks. InmedievalRome people used masks to hide their promiscuity, becauseRome wasless populated and people knew each other well.Common raw materials used for masks are clay, cloth,cornhusks,feathers, fiber, furs, grass, horn, leather, metal,paper, shell,stone paper, and wood. These range from simple masksto intricatecarvings, and from polished wood to mosaics and gaudyadornments.Nowadays there are protective masks like gas masks,catcher's masksin a baseball game and welder's masks to protectfrom the intenselight of welding machines.There are fancy dress masks, horror masks which range from acidfaceto zombies, pop star masks like masks of Michael Jackson andMadonnaand political masks for political faces. Then there arecharactermasks for cartoons like Bob the Builder or Dora theExplorer, masksto make people look like animals, and more. Thestyles of maskscontinue to change, as they have over thecenturies.Making a mask requires a lot of patience and a certain amountofartistic ability. Masks are lots of fun to make and can becomeagreat past time, which can also make you money in the process.Ifyou're retired and are looking for something to do in yoursparetime, mask-making can be the thing for you. The more masksyoumake, the more proficient you become. Who knows, you mayactuallybecome good enough to sell them.Many people think that paper mache masks are messy to make. Onthecontrary, paper mache has come a long way. Of course you can doitthe old fashioned way with glue and newspaper strips but,nowadays,paper mache is mixed in a bowl just like you were makingdough. Itcomes in a powdery mixture which is a dream to work with.Once ithas been mixed, it holds the same texture as soft clay.It'samazing! Also, paper mache masks do not have to be lumpy andbumpy.Using this type of paper mache allows you to create a smooth,evenfinish.There are so many varieties of mask designs which keepmask-makingfrom becoming boring, such as Venetian masks, Mardi Grasmasks,Carnival masks, Halloween masks, African Tribal masksanddecorative wall masks. You can add almost anything to amaskdesign. Decorative materials can include pearls,beads,rhinestones, ostrich feathers, peacock feathers, roping,bells,fringes, glitter, tassels, mirrors, stones, lace, sequins,satin,ribbon, etc. Of course you can also just get very creativewithpaint alone.There are various kinds of paint you can use as well, such aspuffpaint, gel paint, metallic paint, acrylic paint, waterpaint,glitter paint, or just about any kind of paint you can findon themarket. Glitter paint works very well for Mardi Gras andCarnivalmasks because it offers a very festive look to themask.
DIY Crafts Flower Design Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
If you want to work with real flowers,flowerpots, flower baskets, and pressed flower candles are some ofthecrafts you can make. To make flower pots, you can add thepressedfresh flowers onto the clay while molding them. The pot canhaveits natural color, or you can paint it in a contrasting colorsothe color of the flower can stand out. Flower baskets arelovelyitems that you can create especially for special events.Placefresh flowers and loose petals in a basket decorated withribbonsand lace and you can decorate the handles as well withribbons.Flower designs have been very popular these days. We all seemstobe delighted with flowers. Their colorful blossoms andlovelyfragrance always amazes us. Flower gardeners are the ones whocarefor them as plants and pick them up when they are readyforbusiness. We can just imagine how much flowers are being usedeachday. First, they can be used as decorations at home. Itbeautifiesour homes and gives that very inviting fragrance insidethehouse.The habit of flower crafting can be very useful not only forartistsbut also with homeowners. If we have this kind of talent,we cansure to properly place the flowers inside a vase. It mayseem veryeasy for others, but if we really put in mind the properway ofdesigning flowers, we will learn that it takes more thanjust thesimple skill.We can see how much trained the flowers designers are. Howtheirhands can touch the delicate flowers and balance theirproportionsand all. It requires a lot of training and studying.There are evencourses that are offered which specialize in floraldesign. Inthese classes, we are told about the different kinds offlowerdesigns and also the origins.When you look at a flower arrangement, you will already knowwhatthat specific design is if you are familiar with the floraldesigns.The Japanese are one of the best floral designers. Theirdesignshave been around for many years. They keep theirarrangements alwaysin balance and in proportion that is why itlooks simple yet veryelegant.There are so many floral designs that we can recreate. Itonlyrequires patience to learn them and we can find lots oftutorialfrom the internet. We can also create our own designs if weareartistic enough to create one.Remember that it is not only the colors of the flowers thatareimportant. All of the details from the leaves to the addedtwigsare all part of the design. We need to keep it balanced sothat thedesign won't look crappy and messed up. Great floraldesigners canput up together a few pieces of flowers with a leavein a verybeautiful design because they are skilled enough. We canalso dothat with just the eagerness to learn it.Those are some of the pointers for a floral design hobby.Arts and crafts can be creative expressions and outlets whereyoucan practice your creativity and create art that can be usedforpractical purposes or as decorations. There are many differenttypesof crafts and one that is gaining popularity is flowercrafts.Especially if you have a garden or can easily obtainflowers, flowercrafts are easy, fun, and can be made intodifferent usable ordecorative items. Here are some flower craftsthat you can do thatare fun and easy and takes only a little ofyour time.If you want to work with real flowers, flower pots,flowerbaskets, and pressed flower candles are some of the craftsyou canmake. To make flower pots, you can add the pressed freshflowersonto the clay while molding them. The pot can have itsnaturalcolor, or you can paint it in a contrasting color so thecolor ofthe flower can stand out. Flower baskets are lovely itemsthat youcan create especially for special events. Place freshflowers andloose petals in a basket decorated with ribbons and laceand youcan decorate the handles as well with ribbons.
DIY Earrings Design Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
15 Gorgeous Pairs of Earrings You CanMakeYourself!Create a pair of sassy new earrings for yourself, as a birthdaygiftor just a special thank you! With these 15 projects, you’ll beableto not only get creative but stretch your DIY abilities andlearnsome new jewelry-making techniques. We’re in love withtheuniqueness and extra bit of personal flair one can add totheseideas and think you will too!1. Painted Piecesdiy painted earrings 4 15 Gorgeous Pairs of Earrings You CanMakeYourself!No. 2 Pencil created some beautiful, painted earrings out ofthesesnazzy little finds. They’re an easy project to accomplish inmereminutes!2. Hand Spundiy wire earrings 15 Gorgeous Pairs of Earrings You CanMakeYourself!These hand spun designs are perfect for those with a moreuniquestyle. We love it’s handmade feel and easy spirits. ThankstoPicklee, you have this new DIY idea!3. Sea ShellDIY EaringYes, these are sea shell earrings. But these are made with anedgytwist that we’re swooning over! Hop over to Oh EverythingHandmadefor a peek at their creation.4. Statement Jewelsdiy-rhinestone-statement-earringA Pair and A Spare made these gorgeous, knockoutstatementearrings and we’ve been drooling over them. Learn how tomake themwith their easy tutorial!5. Salacia HoopDIY Salacia Hoop Earrings 6To get a bit deeper in your DIYing, try out these salaciahoopearrings from Hopeful Honey. There’s a bit more detail tothisproject if you’re looking for something at a moremoderatespeed.6. Vintage Buttonsdiy vintage button earringsGrab some buttons and create some vintage-inspired studs outofthem. Check out how The Girl In The Yellow Dress made them andDIYsome of your own!7. Beaded Tribalbeaded-tribal-earrings-diy-2These are gorgeous, don’t you think? And yes, you can made themjustlike Pumps & Iron did. This will take a bit more intricacybutget your a much greater result.8. Chaindiy-chain-earringsThese small, dangle chains are quaint and versatile. Learn howtomake these must-have pieces over at the genius creative, APair& A Spare.9. Paper Featherscrafterhours-layered-paper-earrings-DIY-1_thumbHandmade and Craft layered up some paper to make theseadorable,whimsy feather earrings, perfect for any time of the yearor evenfor small, personalized gifts!10. Gold ChandeliersGold Earrings DIY EarringsIf you’re interested in bead work, here’s another project foryourto dive into. These gold chandelier pieces are gorgeous, findouthow to make them at My Girlish Whims.11. Gold Glassgold-and-glass-diy earringsWe’re completely gushing over these delicate, dainty pairofearrings that you can make! Fall For DIY made somethingmagicalwith these!12. Fringediy fringe earringsOver at The Alison Show you’ll be able to learn how to create apairof your own sassy, fringe earrings like you see here. Justimaginehow great these would look in some bright, vibrantcolors!13. Floral Buttondiy button earringsDomestic Slice shows us all how to create some super easybuttonearrings that can act as everyday favorites or small, littlegiftsfor your best buds.14. Chunky StatementDIY Statement EarringsThese chunky and funky statement earrings have so much funandpersonality wrapped up inside. Grab some inspiration from LottsandLots!15. CuffDIY earring cuffPossibly my personal favorite of the bunch, check out thisawesomeDIY at Lusting for Lavish that shows readers how to createagorgeous earring cuff!
DIY Diaper Cake Design Ideas 1.1
Do It Yourself!
Do you want to create your very ownhomemadediaper cakes for baby showers? All you have to do is tocheck outsome online resources that can give you great ideas on howtodesign the cake. There are also things that you need and youcanthem in infant stores in your local area. If you want, you canalsopurchase from a reputed online store. If you decide to go forthisoption, you have to place an order in advance since it cantakearound 3-5 days for the delivery alone.Among the things you need are diapers (around 60 pieces willdo),½ or 1 inch wide ribbons, ¼ inch ribbons for ties, rubberbands,baby bottles, plastic cake platter or cardboard, baby items(e.g.lotion, bottles, pacifiers, blankets, stuffed animal, washcloth,and hygiene products), and the cake decorations like thatofartificial roses, socks, and confetti. When all items areready,you can now work on the tiers. You need to work on them oneby one.The first tier can be composed of stage one diapers whichare idealfor newborns. Roll each cloth or disposable diaper and tieusingthe smaller ribbon. Make a circle of diapers around a bottleofbaby lotion or shampoo. You can hold the diapers in place usingarubber band.You have to add another layer of rolled diapers to make thecakelarger. The outside part should be tied using the largerribbon.For the second tier, the diameter should be smaller than thefirstone. On the top-most tier, you can use a baby bottle for thecenterand place a roll of diapers around it. The best part is whenyouhave finished and layered the cake. You can decorate itwithpacifiers, miniature stuffed animals, hygiene products, andbibs.You can also add some stickers if you want.Diaper cakes for baby showers can be a lot of fun. There aremanydesigns available online. You can also check out a babyregistry tofind out some of the items that you can use. It is upto you tocreate an expensive or a cheap cake. With a bit ofimagination andcreativity, you can make the best cake ever!However, the cake can'tbe eaten since it is made from diapers. Themother and the baby willsurely love the diaper cake; they can evenuse it as acenterpiece.Planning a baby shower may include arts and crafts. Today,manypeople enjoy having a fun time organizing a baby shower with abitof twist which could also be enjoyed by the guest of honor andherfriends. Arts and crafts are great options to make theplanningmore exciting. There are lots of creative crafty ideas thatcanstrengthen the bond between family and friends. Many women andevenmen, enjoy spending a quality time with family and friendswhilemaking homemade baby shower ideas, such invites,favors,decorations and baby diaper cakes.Speaking of baby diaper cakes, they doesn't always comeedible.Probably the most common and easy baby shower craft is adiapercake. This can be enjoyed by a group of friends and familymembersat for the baby shower. Diaper cakes can actually make agreatdecoration in the party. To make a baby diaper cake, you willneedaround fifty diapers, ribbons, and cute toys (optional).When making a baby diaper cake, roll up each diaper and tieinplace using a thin ribbon. Choose colored ribbons that aresuitablefor the baby's gender, like blue or baby blue if it is aboy orpalettes of pink if it is a girl. If you opt to go neutral,chooseribbons in soft green or light yellow colors.To start the base of the cake, use twenty-five diapers andmakethem stand in a circle. For the second level, you can usefifteendiapers, and then eight for the top level of the cake. Tomake iteasy for you to come up with a layered cake, make eachlayerseparately and once they are all done, tie each of them usingawide strand ribbon. Next, stack the layers of in largesttosmallest order. Finally, you insert cute items like teddies,babybottles, rattles or baby towels in between the diapers to addmorecuteness to the entire appeal of the diaper cake.
DIY Craft Bottle Caps Projects 1.1
Do It Yourself!
Are you a savvy crafter? Are you interestedincrafting to keep the earth green and clean? Do you have bottlecapson your counter or in your craft stash? It's time to craftwiththem and make something unique but useful!While this project calls for glitter and glitter glue, youcouldsubstitute photos, cut from scrapbook paper, or print out apicturefrom your home computer. Note that these substitutions canbe madein steps 2-3. Also, Diamond Glaze works perfectly overphotos,scrapbook paper, and printer paper of every kind.First, you'll need to gather your supplies: bottle tops(ofcourse!), glue and paint brush (I used Modge Podge and adisposablepaint brush), glitter (I love Martha Stewart glitter!),DiamondGlaze, glitter glue, permanent glue and small roundmagnets(optional).Let's get started! Follow the steps below and you'll lovetheresults!1. Apply a generous coat of glue to the inside of thebottlecap.2. Sprinkle a layer of your glitter into the top and shakeoffexcess.3. Use the glitter glue to draw a letter or shape (I usedthefirst initial of my daughter's name) on top of the glitter.4. Allow ample drying time for the glitter and glitter gluelayerto dry. If the glitter layer is still wet or tacky, once youadd theDiamond glaze, the glitter will float up and cloud yourimage. Ifthe glitter glue is not dry, the Diamond glaze can causethe glue toblend together. If you've opted to use a picture,scrapbook paper,or photo, you do not have to wait for drying time.You can proceedto step 5.5. Add several drops of Diamond Glaze inside top untilglitterglue layer is completely covered. Diamond Glaze comes out ofthebottle cloudy but dries crystal clear!6. Leave the tops on a level surface to dry completely. Ifyouneed a quicker drying time, you can use a blow dryer or heatgundryer to speed up the process.Once the Diamond Glaze has finished drying, you can applyamagnet backing to the top using E-1000 glue or any otherpermanentadhesive. I recommend not using hot glue for this as themagnet islikely to pop off if the magnet falls to floor. Anotherusefulplace for your craft project is in a scrapbook or card. Someof thecraft stores sell finished bottle caps, but they usually haveatheme and are not personalized. This project allows you tocreatetops that fit your needs and helps keep the earth green.Use your imagination and upcycle those bottle tops!If you are the mother of a teen girl, no doubt you havebeenintroduced to the world of bottle cap (b.t.) necklaces.Theseunique and very cute items of jewelry are all the rage amongtheyoung girls these days and no wonder b.t. necklaces areinexpensiveto buy or fun to make and the girls trade them back andforth muchlike boys like to trade sports cards. It seems a girlsimply can'thave too many bottle cap necklaces these days.What Exactly are Bottle Cap Necklaces?For those of you who don't have a teen daughter and haveneverheard of b.t. necklaces you may be wondering just what theyare.They are exactly what they sound like, necklaces made frombottlecaps. While some of these necklaces are made from recycledbottlescaps others are made from the bottle caps that you buy brandnew incraft stores or where the bottling materials for home madebeer canbe found. The inside of the b.t. holds a picture or is evenpaintedwith a cute design and then the bottle cap is attached to aribbonusing a round link. Some even have extra beads or otherdanglingfeatures at the bottom.No one quite knows where the idea came from to startmakingnecklaces from bottle caps but the idea was simply ingenious!Thesenecklaces are fun and girls just can't seem to get enough ofthem.They really are the hottest thing since friendshipbracelets.
DIY Craft Pot Plants Design 1.1
Do It Yourself!
Having a small yard or outdoor livingspacedoes not mean that you can’t have a great garden. There areanumber of ways that you can turn your small space into alargegarden area with little work and in most cases, with littlemoneyout of pocket.Whether you live in an apartment and have just pavement forayard or you have a small yard that really doesn’t seem likeitwould be big enough for a garden, we have collected 40wonderfulsmall garden ideas that you can implement this spring.Flowers pots are the perfect material for crafts of allkinds.Crafters can find blank flower pots in a variety of sizes andforvery little money. These functional canvases encourage crafterstopaint, decoupage, rubber-stamp and overall, be creative.Explorethis collection of flower pots crafts for indoor oroutdoordecorating.Unique Flower Pots CraftsClay Pot Garden Angel: Find out how to craft a flower pot and useacollection of small flower pots become a little angel foryourgarden.Doll House Flower Pots: Make tiny flower pots to adornaminiature home or a child’s dollhouse.Daisy Flower Pots: Add ceramic daisies to your plain flowerpotsfor beautiful decorating indoor or out.How to Decorate Flower Pots: Find a variety of ideas forflowerpots crafts.Clay Pot Farm Animals: If you're looking for flower potcraftideas, you're in luck. These cute little critters are greatfordecorating.Ivy Leaf Mosaic Hanging Pot: The unique motif will help youlivenup your indoor and outdoor garden plants. Ideas for flowerpotsdon't get much more creative than this.Chalkboard Style Terra Cotta Planter: This project standsoutfrom other clay pot craft ideas because it can be easilycustomizedwith chalk.Decoupaged Seed Packet Clay Pots: Get ready for spring bymakingflower pot crafts and decorating your garden.Floraled Flower PotFloral-Painted Flower Pots CraftsGardening Tote and Rose Pots: Spruce up your garden with thissimplepainting project for flower pots crafts.Geranium Painted Garden Pots: Paint your own geraniums onclaypots for beautiful blooms all year round. This paintingtutorialwalks you through how to paint geraniums on the pots.Floraled Flower Pot: Paint a beautiful floral pattern tocreatebeautiful painted flower pots.Flower Pot for Mother's Day: Whether your mom is a fan offreshcut flowers or fake plants, you can't go wrong with thisMother'sDay flower pot. Thoughtful flower pot craft ideas alwaysscore bigon important holidays.Decoupaged Clay Pot: It may not be painted per se, butthisfloral-decorated Decoupaged Clay Pot would be the perfectadditionto your garden.Clay Pot Spring Birdhouse: Decorated with the beauty ofspring,this beautiful clay pot craft is great for both indoorsandout.Chalk Paint Garden PotsMore Painted Flower Pots CraftsNamed Flower Pot: Paint a personalized flower pot for a fun giftorcraft project for kids.Poetic Plant Pots: For unique flowers pots crafts, usethisstencil project to add some poetry to the pots.How To Create A Thoughtful Gift For Under $5: Thistutorialdemonstrates how to create painted flower pots forgift-giving.Chalk Paint Garden Pots: Spruce up flower spots in minutes withacoat of chalkboard paint. Add a sentiment like“HappyHouse-Warming.”Painted Pots for the Kitchen: Get creative with your ideasforflower pots to help organize your kitchen with this cutepaintedpot, great for chefs and foodies alike.Pretty Painted Flower Pots: The lovely design and prettycolorsmake this unlike other flower pot crafts.Fun with Terra Cotta PotsFlowers Pots CraftsforCenterpiecesFun with Terra Cotta Pots: Place these colorful terra cottapotsalong the table as a centerpiece or in front of each guestasgifts.Hot Pink Centerpiece Pots: These striking flower pots makeagreat decoration for your home or a special occasion such as ababyshower or wedding shower.